In today's world, where AI can write code and create art, why should your e-commerce promotions be one-size-fits-all?

Meet Slaash - we use AI to create identity graphs of your website visitors, understanding their purchasing intent and discount affinity. The result? Tailor-made offers that convert every visit into a sale, boosting lifetime value and improving your margins.

Introducing our first offering - The Deal List.

Think of the Deal List as a supercharged wish-list. It is meant to convert those 10-15% of visitors who are 'on-the-fence', interested in buying but hesitant for some reason.

The Deal List is an easy-to-install button for your Shopify store. This button becomes visible to potential customers who we identify as being at risk of leaving your site without making a purchase.

                             The black stripped button you see below the price is a Deal List button.

                         The black stripped button you see below the price is a Deal List button. 

Once these shoppers click the Deal List button, they can opt-in to receive a personalized deal on their chosen item, delivered straight to their inbox within the next 24 hours. No spam, just a relevant & enticing offer.

                                                                   The Deal List Popup

                                                               The Deal List Popup

How do they receive an offer? We expose a dashboard where you'll see the total value of items added to the Deal List by your visitors, allowing you to allocate discount budgets or assign specific discounts on products based on visitor’s intent score. Once set, we'll send an email with a unique link and discount code, valid for the next 12 hours. A single click, and they will be redirected to a checkout page where the offer will be auto-applied. Simple experience, efficient conversion.

Want us to take the wheel? Throw us a daily discount budget, and watch us work our magic to improve your average order value, drive conversions, or improve margins. Your choice.